Most internet users looking for products and services, after entering a phrase in the search engine, view the results from the first or second page. The number of internet users is growing yearly, as is the number of companies moving their activities to it. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, expand your customer group and increase your income, you need to rank high in the search engine. To make this possible, e-commerce positioning is necessary. As a result, the customer entering the product name or other phrase in the search engine will see the company’s website in the hints.

What is the positioning of online stores?

Another name for positioning is SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation. It includes a number of activities aimed at increasing the visibility of the website on the web. Positioning can be compared to a race in which any portal, website or blog can start – everything that can be indexed by web robots. More and more companies take care of store positioning, so who will be at the forefront of searches depends on the commitment, strategy and accuracy of the selection of tools.

Entrust the positioning to specialists

The entrepreneur can choose the positioning on one’s own but must be aware that it will be a long-term process and the effectiveness may vary. Therefore, it is worth entrusting it to specialists who will prepare and carry out the entire process from start to finish. After performing an SEO audit, you can diagnose what needs to be improved, select the appropriate phrases and take actions to increase your ranking in the search engine.

What can we do for your business?

We will create strategies and position your online store based on:

– WordPress Platform (WooCommerce)
– Shoper
– Click shop
– IAI-Shop
– Prestashop
– Magento
– Comarch e-sklep
– Shoplo
– Soteshop
– Shopify
– Shopgold
– Drupal
– Skyshop
– Idosell

… and many others. Ask for strategies and an offer tailored to you.


that have trusted us

Success Stories

How we increased sales for our customers

Tanie Gadżety is a producer and distributor of advertising gadgets. Since 2015, we have been responsible for their visibility in organic search results (SEO) and the Google Ads campaign. During this time, we have increased the traffic by over five times. We have positioned over 1,400 phrases in the so-called 'Top 10′ and continuously help to deliver hundreds of conversions per month.

Bizin is an online invoicing and business management system. We have been working together since 2016. We are responsible for the Google Ads campaign, social media promotion, and SEO positioning. During this time, we have increased traffic by more than three times. We have tested and implemented YouTube, Mailing, Facebook Ads and Google Ads campaigns. As a result, we have generated over 18,000 conversions!

Gustaw Bear is a producer of large plush mascots. Since 2018, we have been responsible for their SEO strategies and Google Ads campaign. During this period, we have positioned over 400 phrases from zero to the top 10. We have prepared and run product, dynamic search engine, and remarketing campaigns. Moreover, we managed to reduce the conversion cost by more than half.

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